Talent Management - Developing High Potential Talent
JQA has recognised expertise in the area of talent management. We have worked in a wide range of private and public organisations including leading companies to ensure that they have people of the correct quality and calibre to resource their business strategy.
- Developing Competency Frameworks which provide the criteria or critical success factors, against which people are judged
- Managing Assessment and Audit events which verify potential
- Provide candidates with guidance on choices which empower them to make effective career choices
- Provide Chief Executives with the information they need to make top level appointments which ensure sustainability
The Challenge
Sustained competitive advantage can only be achieved by effective talent and knowledge management. Each organisation in your sector has limited opportunities to attract, develop and retain top talent. By definition, these individuals are scarce and mobile.
Opportunities for High Potential (HiPo) development are squandered if your organisation:
- Fails to recognise potential early.
- Invests in a competency framework that merely has meaning on paper.
- Has weak or inflexible talent management processes.
- Does not communicate effectively with High Potential resources.
What We Offer
- Direct access to the most reliable and valid methods for identifying top talent.
- Best practice in formulating and reviewing Competency Frameworks that take account of your context and strategy.
- Highest quality services in leadership development without the big consultancy price tag.
- Reports that identify strengths, weaknesses and risks written in plain English.
- Development options which cater for individual needs.
- Coaching and counselling for individual or group development.